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Amazed by your generosity

Praise the Lord, our Day of Giving (DOG) was a fantastic success. We have received approximately $328,000. I am overwhelmed by your generosity and want to thank each of you who gave and for your invaluable role in this success. You not only gave out of your own pockets, but many of you promoted within your families. I was encouraged to see the
number of students who gave. Their generosity is a clear indicator of what parents are doing at home to instruct their children in generosity. I have often said that we want to ingrain a spirit in our students of being contributors and not just consumers. What our families demonstrated on this day of giving encourages me that we can be successful in this

Our DOG funds are used to impact our operations budget. A certain amount of the DOG funds are preplanned for in our budget as revenue before we ever get to this day. Anything over the budgeted amount helps to offset our need for operating funds throughout the year.
I also want to thank Ryan Gallagher, Heather Quilhot, Leslie Kowal, Dawn Gilbert, and Brittany Armstrong for their tireless work in making this a successful event. That said, we need to give glory to God for the tremendous blessing He poured out on us. Once again, thank you for all you did to make this a record-breaking event!

Moving forward and enrollment information

As the weather hints at the arrival of spring, I am waiting with anticipation for the growth and beauty of that season. We know there needs to be...

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A Fresh Strategy for Students to Beat Anxiety

In a time when anxiety is negatively impacting so many of our kids, especially in the upper school, I believe that Dr. Tim Elmore has some very sound...
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