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Returning Students:

At Traders Point, we practice Continuous Enrollment for the convenience of our families. This means that your family is automatically enrolled year after year without any needed paperwork.  Just let the March 15 enrollment deadline pass, and your child will automatically be enrolled for the following school year. Preschool families will receive an email each January with instructions on how to select their child's class for the fall. 

Tuition rates are released in January of each year and are published in the weekly E-news as well as on our website.  For those receiving scholarships and or financial assistance, please remember that you must re-apply for those awards each year using the previous year’s federal tax information.

Reapply for Scholarships/Aid 


Non-Returning Students

If for any reason you are unable to return to TPCS for the following school year, please email  Someone from Admissions will then send you an Intent Not To Return form. This form must be submitted no later than March 15 in order to receive a refund of your initial $500 deposit. If you allow the March 15 deadline to pass without submitting the Intent form and later decide to unenroll, your $500 (per student) deposit made during initial enrollment cannot be refunded.


Questions? Email our Admissions team at