1 min read

TPCS Launches Diversity Training Program for Staff

In our Statement of Faith found on our website, TPCS states that “We believe in the equality of races because there is no distinction in God’s treatment of people (Romans 2:11, Ephesians 5:18).” That belief is foundational to who we are and how we should behave. To ensure that we live our statement of faith, all employees at TPCS will be undergoing Diversity Training over the next several months. We believe that this training will help us develop the strongest relationships possible to carry out our credo (Training scholars. Making disciples. Graduating leaders.) effectively.


For our diversity training, the school will be partnering with a group called Mosaix.  This training will begin with a preassessment of all employees. Once the preassessment is completed, Mosaix will compile an organizational profile. That profile will inform the live training that will follow. We plan to have our first 3-hour training session on November 30. This is the Monday that we return from Thanksgiving break. The 30th was originally a scheduled school day, but we will not have school that day and instead will make this a dedicated staff professional development day. This training date will be followed by a second 3-hour session on our already planned professional development day, January 4, 2021.

We are looking forward to this training and expanding our capacity for providing a robust relational kingdom education at TPCS.

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